We had a special guest at the Sanchez Gallery this past week. Our friend Christian Abad came to brainstorm ideas for his latest project and wanted my assistance.
He has been a huge influence in my art career and was the bridge to land my dream job at The Next Level Experience.
We met back in 2014 at a non profit organization called Organizacion Juventud Ecuatoriana.
To be honest, I didn't trust his personality and we had a rough start. It wasn't until my brother Francisco Sanchez, arrived in 2015, that we were able to reconnect and establish a friendship.
My brother wanted to learn from Christian's unique skills as a Speaker.
Back then my brother an I were working together as personal Trainers in our Startup Biokay.
We made an agreement with Christian to EXCHANGE VALUE so the 3 of us can learn from each others talents.
- My brother's goal was to level up as an Speaker/Entrepreneur.
- Chrisitan's goal was to level up on his Well Being.
- My goal was to connect with Raul Villacis and join The Next Level Experience.
3/3 of our goals were accomplished.
REMEMBER: Money is an exchange of value. the more value you add, the more money you can earn from your passion. I encourage you to stay creative and pursue your next Collaboration project